STR in Conversation.



Indoor = Outdoor Summer´99 Edition.

WEBCAST No.5 THU, 28-1-99 with guest No.1 Christoph Tannert on "art & music" at Crosslinks, Berlin
WEBCAST No.13 THU, 11-2-99./ STR with guests Petra Klaus/Radio X & Hans Romanov/ Ostklub/Rotari.
topic: "Underground"
WEBCAST No.60 THU, 1-7-99/ 9pm CET ....with guest Dr. Birgit Richard,
(media studies and art history at University of Frankfurt & Moderator of Ars Electronica Net Symposium 99)
Topic: clubbing and art
"There is no real crossover between clubculture and art; it will always remain either
on the art or the club side. except: a real crossculture moment occurs in the
ecstatic movement of the body that is lead by the synaethetic combination of light,
sound and projections."
WEBCAST No.61 FRI, 2-7-99 / 9pm CET ...with guest Petra Klaus / RadioX, Indian Vibes
"It has only just come to light in the western press that Ananda Shankar has
died in Calcutta. "I have had a dream to try to combine Western and Indian music
into a new form, a music which has no particular name but is melodious and touching,
and which combines the most modern electronic devices with the old traditional instrument, the sitar." Ananda Shankar wrote this on the sleeves of his first album in 1970.
More about A.S. and the backgrounds of Nu Asian Dance Music in the
TABLATRONIC PART of this webcast session." With samples of Indian Movies.
WEBCAST No.64 THU, 29-7-99 / 9pm CET...with guests Roland Pfau, linguist, University of Frankfurt
"Language & mistakes: art, sounds & gestures.
Language is not a virus (as was claimed by W.S. Burroughs once); rather, it
may itself be subject to infection. And fortunately so, one has to say,
since speech errors give important insights into the process of language
production. Interestingly, the language modality does not have any
influence: the error patterns we observe are exactly the same for spoken
and signed languages."

 WEBCAST No.69 THU, 2-9-99 / 9pm CET...with Fahrradhalle_Sebastian Schirmer &

      Alexander von Zaluskowski: Kunst im Team (art and teamwork) Fahrradhalle website.
(Schirmer & Zaluskowski, who both studied at the HfG Offenbach am Main, cofounded the art project "Fahrradhalle" & have gathered experience in cooperative art practice since years.)
"In einer Zeit, in der sich KuenstlerInnen hochtechnischer und komplexer Produktionsmethoden bedienen, stellt sich mehr und mehr die Frage nach den Bedingungen zur Arbeit in interdisziplinaeren Team-Strukturen. Diese Produktionsweise von Kunst steht im Konflikt mit der traditionellen, meist noch romantischen Vorstellung vom kuenstlerischen Schaffen."
(In a time where artists use complex hi-tech production methods, the question of how are the working conditions in interdisciplinary team-structures arises. This practice of creating art stands in contrast to a traditional, mostly romantic conception of art production.)

 WEBCAST No.99 10-3-00 / 9pm CET...Station Rose in conversation with Tom Noeding/TRESURBAIN:

After a short pause with(out) studio guests, we are right back with a new conversation. Our guest was Tom Noeding, the initiator of the Frankfurt based egroup TRESURBAIN.
WEBCAST No.102 24.3.00, 9pmCET: STR in conversation with Prof.Bazon Brock,
on these topics: Plug Ins, Recording Realtime-Yes or No, cons & pros of conservation/archiving & more.- during art frankfurt -
Webcast No.105 4.5.00: Station Rose in conversation with Josephine Bosma on netart
(recorded at innsbruck, tyrol in april)

Webcast No.109 & 110 : 8.6.00 & 9.6.00 Station Rose in conversation with Dr.Stefan Weber & Dr.Thomas Feuerstein:

SUMMER SLAM : Young Austrian Media Theory - Station Rose vs Stefan Weber vs Thomas Feuerstein (Junge oesterreichische Medientheorie - Station Rose im Gespraech mit Thomas Feuerstein und Stefan Weber)

Station Rose:
topic: LAH/Life After History________Echtzeit__________AuCiel______
die neue Koerperlichkeit________________Beyond Time through permanent Change___.
Webcast No.109 Stefan Weber ( THU/8.6.00)
topic: "(Das) Jenseits des Konstruktivismus"

  (The) Beyond (of) Constructivism: Radical constructivism

(, systems theory and second order
cybernetics leave us with an enormous contingency and redundancy of
scientific descriptions as well as of finding the best path in solving
problems. After Ian Hacking, Josef Mitterer and others also deconstructed
the constructivists, what is left except the ruins of western thought? Is a
non-dualistic or triadic world-view the next logical step?)
Radikaler Konstruktivismus (, Systemtheorie und Kybernetik zweiter Ordnung haben uns die enorme Kontingenz und Redundanz sowohl von wissenschaftlichen Beschreibungen als auch von wissenschaftlichen Problemloesungs-Strategien vor Augen gefuehrt. Nachdem nun durch Ian Hacking und Josef Mitterer auch noch konstruktivistische Ansaetze de-konstruiert wurden, stellt sich die Frage: Was bleibt eigentlich noch uebrig außer den Ruinen unserer Denktradition? Sind non-dualistische oder triadisch Weltbilder der naechste Schritt?

  Dr. Stefan Weber is a media epistemologist from Salzburg, he wrote "Die Dualisierung des Erkennens"and edited "Was konstruiert Kunst?" both Vienna, Passagen Verlag) amongst others. His current project is called "CyberPoiesis" (University of Applied Arts Vienna, Prof. Manfred Faßler).

Webcast No.110 Thomas Feuerstein ( FRI/9.6.00)
topic: SAMPLEMINDS - Instant-Zeit und Instant-Raum als Status quo des SteadyState. Über attraktive Attraktoren und atavistische Avatare"
  "SAMPLEMINDS - Instant-Time & Instant-Space as status quo of Steady State. About attractive attractors & atavistic Avatars."The so called "Steady State Theory" by Fred Hoyle is an astrophysic model, which believed in a timeless renewal of matter, where the void in between drifting galaxies gets filled steadily. Even if this model did lose its validity for the description of the real cosmos, it gained new relevance
concerning the cybercosmos, the net. Since the origin of the ARPANET (=Cyber Big Bang) the interstellar/interhostal void of the digital space gets filled with astronomic amounts of data & generates new dimensions. What means "Life After History", "Digital Cocooning", "Gunafa","R.O.S.E.=Realtime Operating System Environment" in the context of >networked worlds, how sample identities themselves in there & what parameters change our relationship to space, time und finally to ourselves our bodies, other people & ecosystems ?
Die sogenannte "Steady State Theory" von Fred Hoyle stellte ein astrophysikalisches Modell dar, das eine zeitlose Neubildung von Materie
annahm, welche die Leere zwischen den auseinanderdriftenden Galaxien stetig ausfuellt. Auch wenn dieses Modell fuer die Beschreibung des realen Kosmos seine Gueltigkeit verloren hat, hat es eine neue Relevanz in Bezug auf den Cyberkosmos bzw. das Netz erlangt. Seit Entstehung des ARPANET (=Cyber Big Bang) fuellt sich die interstellare/interhostale Leere des digitalen Raumes mit astronomischen Datenmengen und generiert neue Dimensionen. Was bedeuten "Life After History", "Digital Cocooning", "Gunafa", "R.O.S.E.=Realtime Operating System Environment" im Kontext vernetzter Welten, wie sampeln sich in ihnen Identitaeten und welche Parameter veraendern unser Verhaeltnis zu Raum, Zeit und letztendlich zu uns selbst, unserem Koerper
und anderen Menschen und Umweltsystemen?

  Dr. Thomas Feuerstein is a media artist &- theorist. among diverse projects he co-organizes the artspace <> in innsbruck/austria.

Webcast No.115 20.7.00 Station Rose in conversation with KLAUS WALTER
topic: "all is Pop & Pop is nothing"."Alles ist Pop & Pop ist nichts.
Nie war so viel Popmusik wie heute. Nie hatte ein Popsong so wenig Wirkung wie heute.
Dieser Doppel-These duerften die meisten von uns zustimmen.
Wir & das sind diejenigen, deren Leben ohne die Beatles, Bob Dylan und Jimi Hendrix anders gelaufen waere.
Die ohne die Punk-Revolte 77 vorzeitig gealtert waeren.
Wir & das sind die Thirty- und Forty-Somethings, die heute in den Kultur-Redaktionen den Diskurs ueber Pop organisieren. Und eine Konstante in der Rede ueber Pop ist die Rede von der Krise.
Die Definitionsmacht von Pop(musik) steckt in der Krise.
Dieser Satz ist dem Pop-Diskurs des Feuilletons paradigmatisch eingeschrieben.
Aber trifft er denn zu? Oder ist er bloss schriftgewordene Midlife-Crisis?
Was ist Stand der Dinge in der Popkultur? Wie funktioniert Definitionsmacht 2000?"
Klaus Walter born in Frankfurt in the mid 50-ies. since 76 studies of: Jura, Germanistik, Anglistik, ohne Abschluss in FFM seit Ende der 70er DJ in verschiedenen Clubs; Seit Mitte der 70er regelmaessige Veroeffentlichungen in:
Pflasterstrand, taz, Wolkenkratzer, Spex, heaven sent, Konkret, Freitag, Superstar, Die Beute, Journal Frankfurt, Frieze, Texte zur Kunst, u.a., diverse Buchbeitraege;1987 & 1989 Redakteur des Pflasterstrand
Von 1989 bis 1997 Musikredakteur der Zeitschrift "Prinz".
Seit 1984 als Radio-DJ bei hr3: "Der Ball ist rund" wurde mehrfach von den Lesern der Fachzeitschrift "Spex" zur besten Radiosendung Deutschlands gewaehlt. Regelmaessige Taetigkeiten bei hr1 (Schwarzweiss, Der Tag), hr2 (Features, Funkkolleg Jugend & Popkultur), hr xxl (Unfrisiert) und weiterhin hr3 (mit Markus Hertle Begruender der hr3-Clubnight).
______ 2001
Webcast No.133 20.2.01 STR in conversation with Achim Szepanski
topic "Neu(t)ronenhouse"
Station Rose in live-conversation with label owner and manager Achim Szepanski & New York office manager Jon Berry of Force Inc. Music Works.

topic: "Neu(t)ronenhouse"
content: Clicks + Cuts 2.
The Vanishing Author?
Or back to the Original?
Elektronik + Pop/Neu(t)ronenhouse.
extra: Webcast 133 will be a conversation on electronic music with label owner Achim Szepanski, his partner
Jon Berry and composer Gary Danner. Music from Force Inc. Incl. a modest visual input plus moderation by Elisa Rose.

Force Inc. is a family of Frankfurt based labels that include leading experimental electronic label Mille Plateaux, deep house label Force Tracks, drum 'n' bass label Position Chrome, and conceptual experimental label Ritornell. Over the past 10 years, Achim Szepanski has provided music that touches on social, political and philosophical elements, utilizing a network of Deleuzian inspired theory, network art and progressive thinking.
Webcast No.134 26.2.01 STR in conversation with Dr.Udo Kornmeier
topic " rights & ownership online"
content: author´s rights, ownership online, Napster/ BMG & more
1) which rights have to be discussed here? (downloads, streaming, webradio etc.) Protection through ownership rights? (Napster case)
2) who controls these rights? (author, publisher, Gema etc.)
3) which sources of income do or will exist for the author?
4) which job has the author´s rights society/GEMA to do?

Dr. Udo Kornmeier
age 48, one of the leading german lawyers for music and media, situated in Frankfurt, with bureaus in Cologne and Berlin. Co-manager of Technoclub "U 60311" in Frankfurt, and last but not least head of "Dr. K Entertainment GmbH".
Webcast No.140 28.4.01 Webcast Lounge at art frankfurt
STR in conversation with Dr.Daniel Birnbaum
Webcast No.141 29.4.01 Webcast Lounge at art frankfurt
STR in conversation with 0100101110101101.ORG,

Webcast No.143 1.5.01 Webcast Lounge at art frankfurt
STR in conversation with Fabian Steinhauer,"Archiv der entäuschten Erwartung", Uni Wuppertal.

          STR_Webcasting_Schedule 1999-2001 can be found here.
