Webcast 152: 26/10/01: with topic "lines in black&white"
Webcast 129:17.1.01 jam session together with inkwell conference"
Webcast 130: 24/1/01 jam session together with inkwell conference"
Webcast 131: 01/02/01topic: "24/7". linked to inkwell conference"
Webcast 132: 12/02/01"jam session (top secret) with inkwell conference"
Webcast 133: 20/02/01STR in conversation with Achim Szepanski & Jon Berry of Force Inc. Music Works.
topic: "Neu(t)ronenhouse"content: Clicks + Cuts 2.The Vanishing Author?Or back to the Original?
Elektronik + Pop/Neu(t)ronenhouse.
Webcast 134: 26/02/01STR in conversation with Dr. Udo Kornmeier, lawyer for music,copyright and media.
content: author´s rights & ownership online
Webcast 135: 7/03/01STR: body series "lips"
Webcast 136: 23/03/01STR: free form jam session "leitmotif"
Webcast 137: live at t.u.b.e
Webcast 138: live at t.u.b.e, munich, simultaneous broadcast by bayrischer rundfunk
Webcast 139: 27.4/ß1.: 15-15:30 : opening of Webcast Lounge & art frankfurt.
Station Rose STReams their lecture to the congress at EMAF.
18-21h: Station Rose live performance -opening of
Webcast 140: 28.4/ß1. 15-17h: ParaRadio, Budapest/Ungarn, Livestream at http://www.pararadio.hu
18-20h: badpacket, Toronto/Kanada, Livestream at http://www.badpacket.com
Webcast 141: 29.4/ß1.: 16-17h: Brooke A. Knight, University of Maine/USA,
Livestream at http://www.altarts.org/desktop/index.html
18-20h: 0100101110101101.ORG,
Webcast 142: 30.4/ß1.:30.4.: 15-20h: artcart, Livestream at http://www.stationrose.com
Webcast 143: 1.5/ß1 : 16-17h: pingfm.org, Livestream at rtsp://real.radiostudio.org:5540/encoder/pingfm/pingfm.rm
end of of Webcast Lounge.
Webcast 144 : 11/7/01: STReaming a live jam session once more to your harddrives.
topic: special audio-visual birthday session. content: 10 years online -und das ist gut so.
feelings observed: exciting.
advice 01: great in that little STReaming window. but if you blow it up full screen, it looks even bigger.
Webcast 145 : 20/7/01:
Webcast 146 : 26/7/01:
Webcast 147 : 07/08/01: with topic "TV Rex".
Webcast 148 : 25/8/01: together with borderhack 2.0
Webcast 149 : 4/10/01: with topic "WYSIWYG"
Webcast 150 : 26/10/01: with topic "STR live at Styrian Autumn, Graz"
Webcast 151 : 14/11/01: with topic ""Rheingau". content: NiC/ Nature is Cool_NetSTReam"
Webcast No.93 :
3-2-00: start up sequence for the new year/millenium on the
station rose´s own GUNAFA SERVER, installed in 1/2000.
Webcast No.96 : 2-3-00: <open space01> a bigger perspective01 of the webcaststudio
Webcast No.97 : 3-3-00: <open space02> a bigger perspective02 of the webcaststudio
Webcast No.98 : 9-3-00: <open space03> a bigger perspective03 of the webcaststudio
Webcast No.99 :10-3-00: Station Rose in conversation with Tom Noeding/
After a short pause with(out) studio guests, we are right back with a new conversation. Our guest was Tom Noeding, the initiator of the Frankfurt based egroup TRESURBAIN.
"Webcast forever - Build poetical hedges against digital tyranny" Geert Lovink.
Webcast No.101 :17-3-00: open space ambient version.
Webcast no.102: 24.3.00, 9pmCET: STR in conversation with Bazon Brock
- during art frankfurt -
Webcast 103: 27.4.00: "Nature is Cool" with <real> scenes from the austrian alps, mount Falkenstein and more.
Webcast 104: 28.4.00: "Nature is Cool" remixing 103 into <virtual> scenes.
Webcast 105: 4.5.00: Station Rose in conversation with Josephine Bosma (recorded at medien.kunst.tirol/kunstraum innsbruck, tyrol in april)
Webcast 106: 11.5.00:
free form multimedia jam session.
playing around with Beat Breaker & other guys.
Webcast 107:12.5.00: free form multimedia jam session.
playing around with Sinebeats & other guys.
Webcast 108, WED/31.5.00: Live Multimedia Jam Session "morphing around
the topic: AU CIEL" .
SUMMER SLAM : Young Austrian Media Theory - Station Rose vs Thomas Feuerstein vs Stefan Weber:
Webcast 109, THU/8.6.00:STR in conversation with Dr.Stefan Weber: (The) Beyond (of) Constructivism: Radical constructivism
Webcast 110, FRI/8.6.00:STR in conversation with Dr.Thomas Feuerstein: "SAMPLEMINDS - Instant-Time & Instant-Space as status quo of Steady State. About attractive attractors & atavistic Avatars."
Webcast 111, THU/15.6.00:free form summer jam_1. after the summer slam -
Webcast 112, FRI/16.6.00:free form summer jam_2
Webcast 113, FRI/29.6.00:* Die Anti-Stoerung. (anti-distortion)
A focal point in the visual art of Station Rose 2000. We develop that right now. When a few years ago our videos were distorted, we got in trouble. The artscene didnt like that at all. But as you know, distortion arrived at TV-commercials as a chic element for advertisers (to demonstrate they know what is hip ;-). So forget distortion.
* Performance - always a Schwerpunkt including "Posing in Cyberspace".
great in that little streaming window. Blow it up full screen, and it looks even better & bigger.
* No Fucking Games - we are not gamblers & not brokers either.
* Francoise Hardy & Jacques Dutronc - the brandnew single called "puisque vouz partez en voyage". Brought from a short trip over the borders to France, one of the most beautiful areas in Europe, and just 2 hours away from Frankfurt.
* as we are getting deeper & deeper in the production of our new book, chansons are a good relaxation in contrast to the ascii text world.
Webcast 114, FRI/6.7.00:indoor= outdoor.
before we really set the controls for summer-pause-mode, we will stream one more live jam session to your very harddrives tonite.
great in that little streaming window. Blow it up full screen, and it looks bigger.
Webcast 115, THU/20.7.00:STR in conversation with Klaus Walter.
topic: "all is Pop & Pop is nothing".plus KUNSTFORUM International vol. 151 out.:
Abstract on "Cyberspace, Echtzeit -20 seconds & Webcasting" by Elisa Rose and Gary Danner, incl. illustrations and stills from installations, performances and art production.
In there you find a long text around realtime written exclusively for the leading german art magazine.
Read about:
- dislocation is cool.
- das agieren vor und hinter den cameras.
- wiederholung a la teletubbies.
- testphasen fuer webcasts gibt es nicht.
- das auf+zumachen von info-fluss.
- exhibitionismus im cyberspace.
- digitale ornamentik.
- es muss flackern."
Webcast 116, FRI/28.7.00:
topic: NOTHING
in conversation with : nobody
activities: none
plan: null
styling: no idea
outdoor: no plans
weather forcast: no
content: NOTHING------Station Rose LIVE in the Net:doing nothing for 1 hour.